
Common Questions


I intend to create a warm, collaborative, non-judgmental space to get your outer world to match your inner world too! I look forward to assisting you along life’s adventures.

My goal as your therapist is simple: help you learn and grow into the person you want to be. How we do that together is up to you.

When you book your first appointment, I know you’re committed to deep, fulfilling change and just as you’re investing in yourself, I’ll be ready to join you on your journey.

30 min. Phone Consultation: Free
Weekly Session: $225 – 55 minutes
      *Bi-weekly or once monthly sessions are not available.


I do not partner with insurance but instead, provide clients with a receipt to submit to their insurance provider. Insurance providers often offer reimbursement for out-of-network therapists. Check-in with your insurance to verify your if you are eligible and the reimbursement amount.

You retain full responsibility for payment of services but I can work with you if you need assistance in communicating with your insurance provider.

I recommend asking your insurance company these questions:

  • Does my insurance plan include mental health benefits?
  • Do I have a deductible? If yes, how much and have I met it yet?
  • What is my out-of-network deductible for outpatient mental health? (Outpatient means treatment outside a hospital.)
  • What is my out-of-network coinsurance or coverage for outpatient mental health?
  • Does my plan limit how many sessions I have per year? If yes, what is the limit?
  • Do I need written approval from my primary care physician in order for therapy to be covered by my benefits?
We have partnered with Mentaya to help clients use their out-of-network benefits to save money on therapy. Use this tool below to see how much you qualify for reimbursement for my services:


I truly believe therapy is helpful for everyone. Our modern world does not allow the time to slow down and process our feelings, thoughts, and how we’re operating in the world. If everyone engaged in therapy, I think the world would be a more intentional and kind place!

But is it helpful for you? YES! If you’re looking at this site, that means you’ve got a need, and the ways you’ve traditionally attempted to cope are no longer working. Empower yourself to take the first step–it may be scary, but it’ll be worth it.


Therapy only works if you feel connected to your therapist. So finding the right therapist for you is important and, like Goldielocks, you may need to try out a few to get it right.

Some key elements:

  • The therapist treats the symptoms you’ve been experiencing.
  • You like their vibe/feel a connection and chemistry.
  • You feel safe, respected, and can be vulnerable.
  • What will our first session look like?

After our phone consultation where you’ve decided you’d like to continue with services, we’ll schedule our first session. During our first session, we’ll spend time getting to know one another and creating goals.

In addition, we’ll get a bit of business done, we’ll review informed consent, payment schedule & limits to confidentiality.


Therapy sessions vary depending on an individual’s goals and desired outcomes. Some clients like short-term counseling with targeted interventions whereas others would like to discuss week-to-week events.

Targeted interventions: the client and I will collaboratively design a treatment plan. Each session will be structured to examine and target specific areas of functioning, thought processes that may be impacting the self or ways the client is operating in the world.

Processing week to week: This type of therapy is typically more in-depth and slower. You come with experiences you’ve found significant and we examine your feelings & reactions. Over time, together, we are able to identify patterns that will bring self-awareness, recognize problem areas, and create intrinsic motivation for change.


I am unable to support those who need after-hours or crisis services, it will not be a good fit for you if you need a higher level of care.

If you are in crisis, please go to your local emergency room or call the Crisis Line at 800-273-8255.


Since the scheduling of an appointment involves the reservation of time set aside especially for you, a minimum of 24 hours notice is required for rescheduling or cancellation of an appointment. If for any reason a session is canceled less than 24 hours prior, the full fee will be charged.

Late to sessions: All treatment sessions have a specific time schedule with clients before and/or after your appointment time. Therefore late arrivals will not receive an extension of time for their scheduled appointments and the original reservation fee will be charged.


Notice for Current and Prospective Clients:

Under the law, health care providers are required to provide clients without insurance or clients who are not using insurance an estimate of expected charges  for medical services, including psychotherapy services.

You have a right to receive a Good Faith Estimate for the total expected cost of non-emergency health care service, including psychotherapy services.
You can ask your healthcare provider for a Good Faith Estimate prior to services starting or any time during treatment.

If you receive a bill $400 greater than your Good Faith Estimate, you can dispute the bill. Make sure to retain a copy of your Good Faith Estimate.

For questions, more information, or steps to dispute your bill, please review your Estimate, or visit cms.gov 

“The healer you have been looking for is your own courage to know and love yourself completely.”

- Yung Pueblo

Ready to get started?


During your free 30-minute call, we’ll chat about what you’re looking for and make sure we’re a good fit for each other. If you’re ready to dive in, we’ll schedule our first session!

I’m so excited to chat and get to know you better!