Depression Therapy in Portland, OR

Do you feel isolated?

Personalized depression treatment

Personally, I believe grief, loss, and heartbreak are the most painful experiences a human can have. Most people are uncomfortable being near you, they don’t make eye contact, and they tell you to “look on the bright side.”

The message is: don’t tell me about your pain.

But the only way to heal is through connection. If you’re lucky enough to have people in your life to listen to you when you want to talk and sit with you when you can’t feel anything at all, good! If you’re on the side the majority of us experience, I want you to know you’re not alone.

“We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.”

- Max De Pree

You don't have to feel like this.

If you’re experiencing Sadness Or like you’re needing a safe place to process, I'll be honored to step in.

I will assist you in processing deep pain and grief. I will work with you to finding ways to grieve outside of therapy while also providing tools to help you survive the day to day. Sorrow is a second by second timeline, it feels like the weight will never lift, and it takes all your energy to manage the pain. I want to be there to assist you through it.

“The healer you have been looking for is your own courage to know and love yourself completely.”

- Yung Pueblo

Ready to get started?


During your free 30-minute call, we’ll chat about what you’re looking for and make sure we’re a good fit for each other. If you’re ready to dive in, we’ll schedule our first session!

I’m so excited to chat and get to know you better!

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