Personalized Anxiety Therapy
I didn’t know that I had anxiety until I was 28 and had already completed my education to be a therapist.
Here’s the truth: EVERYONE has anxiety—humans are hardwired to have anxiety and our systems (education, work, capitalism, oppression, etc.) has tapped into our systems to motivate us to accomplish desired tasks. The challenge is how to recognize it in ourselves. Here’s the secrets no one tells you: perfectionism, highly prepared, over scheduling, procrastination, poor sleeping patterns, overuse of screens, restlessness, panic, and feelings of worry are all anxiety symptoms!
I’ll help you discover how anxiety is functioning within you and assist you in breaking thinking and behavior patterns to manage your anxiety.
“We cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are.”
Here’s the truth: EVERYONE has anxiety
Humans are hardwired to have anxiety and our systems (education, work, capitalism, oppression, etc.) have tapped into that anxiety to motivate us to accomplish desired tasks. The challenge is how to recognize it in ourselves. Here’s the secret no one tells you: perfectionism, highly prepared, over-scheduling, procrastination, poor sleeping patterns, overuse of screens, restlessness, panic, and feelings of worry are all anxiety symptoms!